August 2006

We’re going on holiday!!!
This month I haven’t done anything very exciting. Just schooling in the week and hacking out at the weekend. The ground has been so hard it’s been a case of picking and choosing the ground and hoping for canter opportunities. On one or two occasions Herbs has behaved like a naughty school boy (of all the boys at the yard I think he can be best described at the one who acts firsts and thinks later and always has a runny nose) getting far too excited and squealing in anticipation of a canter. On one occasion we fell out when I let the others on the ride canter ahead and made him walk it. Well, as I've told him before “if you can’t do it nicely, you won't do it at all”). I think he’s rather enjoying the abundance of grass disguised as hay that in the field at the moment because more than once his “going home legs” have been working overtime on the way back from a hack.
However……… its booked… 4 of us from the yard are taking our horses away on holiday for a week in September. I promise loads of pictures and a full commentary as soon as we get back!
Until such time as those photo's are posted, here are a few that I've taken this month with my new camera. I'm getting a bit obsessed now I've got this blog going... enjoy.

The following pics were taken on Saturday 19th August. Sharon had gone to watch the gooooooooooooooooners and I was looking after Mr Coy as well as Herbs. I took the camera to the field and got accosted as soon as I got close enough for a picture. That’s what you get for giving ponies sweeties when you get them in from the field, bless…
Look at my fat belly mum!

Dan, Shaun and Stu love the dreads but seem to think the look isn't complete without a spliff!

Think I might just bite Mr Coy’s bottom.

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