Stuff about me, by Herbs
I used to live in Ireland
I didn't get much grub
Or a nice warm stable
All cosy and snug
Now I get a nice warm bed
And three square meals a day
I play all day with my friends
Then munch big nets of hay
I really like those orange things
And things with stalks are scrum
But if you want to give me titbits
Please first ask my Mum
I didn't get much grub
Or a nice warm stable
All cosy and snug
Now I get a nice warm bed
And three square meals a day
I play all day with my friends
Then munch big nets of hay
I really like those orange things
And things with stalks are scrum
But if you want to give me titbits
Please first ask my Mum
Food I Love.....
- Stud Muffins
- Mint or Herb (I think they made them especially for me) flavoured treats
- Any nuts or cubes
- Orange things
- Things with stalks
- Most stuff that grows in the ground
- Walkers Ready Salted crisps - best eaten in private, uncontrollable things happen when I eat them :-o
- Swede and Parsnips
- Polo's and Extra Strong Mints (makes my breath lovely but Mum says I shouldn't have too many because of fillings - whatever they are)
- Sugar Beet - mmmm yum, why do I only get it in winter??
- Honey, scrummy mummy thank you, more please
- Crispy fluffy hay - its grass really but dried up. I don't know how they do it but I can eat loads and loads and almost go pop sometimes
Food that is wrong.....
- Banana's - wrong (as Adam would say - he knows who he is, Mum worked with him)
- Medicine of every kind - no horsey should have this horrible stuff put in their dinner
- Chocolate - yeuch
- Brocolli. You can live on it, but it tastes like sh*t so why bother
- Turnip. I will eat it but its pointless
Things I don't like.....
- People growing - my Mum can explain, and no, I don't mean her because she's lovely :-*
- Being told to be sensible when I really want to be a lunatic
- My mane being pulled. I prefer to look like a loo brush than have it pulled out
- Being groomed when my new coat is coming through - ewwww, its annoying
- Being bitten. I've had enough of midges, they target my bits and it's NOT NICE
Things I'm good at.....
- Staying (reasonably) sensible if my horsey friends in front of me gallop off
- Learning stuff. I never get naughty when I'm in the sand school and I do try. Some things are hard though and I get confused
- Leg yielding! I like that, its easy
- Opening gates, I'm getting really good and I really listen to what Mum wants me to do
- Not diving off to eat grass when I've got my head collar on
As I think of more things I will add them to my list just for you. Right now, I need to get back to munching my hay because otherwise I might not finish it by morning and that would be very WRONG!
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