Monday, October 23, 2006

Where did my fur go?????

"It itches, I've got bumps, I'm bald and I feel stupid - so why does Mum keep saying I'm lovely now??? "

21st October - the clip and rug spend extravaganza. Poor Herbs, I just had to clip him, he was starting to get so sweaty during the evening training in the school that I just knew this year that it had to be done. Last year it wasn't necessary but then he wasn't working as hard as he is now and we had a real winter that we haven't seen any signs of this year. So, the decision was made and armed with my clippers the job started. Herbs was a dream, I don't think he moved once during the hour and a half that it took, just stood there and dealt with it. Bless. But, it did mean that a new purchase was necessary as the clip would put him in rugs a littler earlier than normal so I bought a new lightweight turnout as I have one, but don't like it very much and any downpours leaves you with a wet rug the following day so having two is a wise move. (plus I like buying but we won't talk about that :-) )

I think he is lovely clipped, so much less work and much less worry about whether he is put to bed so warm he sweats in the night.

22nd October - "rain rain rain, I'm Irish, but that doesn't mean I don't prefer the sun!" - thank god he is clipped and riding in the wet in the evening doesn't cause even more dramas with drying off. BUT - he is not impressed with having no fur in the field and is consequently honing his rolling blinking skills and coming in like a walking mud pat.