Prelim 1 & 10
Fickleshole – Prelim 1 & 10 - 8th April 2007
Oh why do we do it? Not only do you have to plait up and look gorgeous you have to learn the test too. Well stuff that, call on the services of dearest Chris to call for you and as long as you have a rough idea of what you’re doing you can’t go far wrong – ahem, read on to Prelim 10 and you’ll know that’s crap!
Prelim 1 came first and Herbs warmed up quite nicely. I was pleased to receive comments from a couple of friends that hadn’t seen Herbs in a while who said that I was riding much better and that Herbs had changed and grown up an awful lot – all that flat work is paying off!
The test went ok and apart from nearly nipping out of the arena on one part when the plastic markers got a little scary and doing the banana dance a bit in the corners we rode the test quite respectably and were awarded 3rd place – behind, I must say, two very good horses.
Prelim 10 involved a canter across the diagonal which we proudly achieved (outside rein, outside rein!) and I must admit I thought I had done ok as there was so much that could have gone wrong but the points on the board didn’t reflect how well I thought we had gone and I was quite disappointed. I felt better though, when despite Chris’s brilliant calling I realised I had gone wrong and returned to the wrong marker after a movement so it was quite justified that we came 7th.
If I had a decent memory and could rely on myself to remember the test before, and during riding it I think I would do more dressage, but so much effort has to be put in and with only 2 or 3 minutes to impress the judge I think the whole thing is a bit of a lottery really.
Which means… all credit to those who do it and perform consistently well. I know what’s involved!
Here are some pics of the event, courtesy of my camera, and the exceptionally photography of dear Alex who is being dragged to these events quite regularly by Jo!
First, here are some pics of the training we did the day before....

and here are some taken on the day itself....

finally, here is Mr Curly Tops after the hard work, bless xx

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